#43 - Week of January 12, 2008
Floating Prisons - [fascinating] - via
Harley Davidson PC Case Mod - [tech, pics]
The Weirdest Discredited Theories - [interesting]
Huge Gas Cloud Will Hit Milky Way - [wow space]
Married Twins... incredibly rare - [weird]
Upside-down method of demolition - [architecture]
Full Throttle with the Blue Angels - [fun videos]
How a bobbin works: animation - [fascinating]
World's highest bungee jump - [cool video]
Composite Image illusion - [flickr]
People looking like videogame characters - [funny pics]
Best of Photoshop Tutorials - [useful]
How to Make Magic Fireballs - [diy video]
QuickSilver sculpted-metal scooter - [retro-tech]
Exceptional Underwater Photography - [nature]
Steam powered TIE fighter, from Lego - [geek art] - via
The tallest person in medical history, video - [wikipedia]
Real Information Handshake - [gadget]
Safety Gear for Small Animals, also here - [weird]
Between Lightning & Fireworks - [picture]
From Australia to New Zealand on a cayak - [cool site]
Knitting full-sized Ferrari - [weird]
Chinese Snow Sculptures (scroll down) - [pics]
Darth Candle - [art]
Dogs on Wheels! For puppies born without legs - [cool video]
Lady in the Water, 1947 - [photo]
Dancing Boeing 747s - [cool video]
Levitating from building to building - [wow video]