Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Fast Moving Sand Storm
Recorded in April 2007 in Khartoum, Sudan:
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
Before work:
After work:
Funky Haircuts of Teenage Albatrosses:
Photos by Frans Lanting. See the rest here.
"Car-puter": Alfa Romeo On-Board Computer Mod
Tobias B. sent us the pictures documenting how he outfitted his Alfa Romeo car with 2 on-board computer units (plus wicked audio system). The computer itself is located under the rear seat. See the whole process here (in German)
(images credit: Tobias B.)
Mixed fresh links for today:
Dead Man's Chest Mystery Solved! - [wow]
Most Amazing Tree Houses - [photos]
Ingenious Flat-Pack Furniture - [design]
Incredibly Depressing Nursery Rhymes - [weird]
F15 Eagle Fighter Jet from paper - [DIY video]
North Dakota: the Emptied Prairie, photos - [abandoned]
The Ultimate Corkscrew - [cool video]
Making million-dollar special effects on a budget - [cool video]
One rally crew brings down the other - [car video]
Your textlink here: best exposure and rates
Weird Spider-"Beetle"
Located on top of the roof of an old garage in downtown Reno, Nevada. Sent in by P. Kearns as an addition to our VW Beetle series. He also found it on Google Maps, it casts an interesting shadow.
(image credit: P. Kearns)
Imperial Russia in Postcards
Great collection of color postcards from 1900 - 1912. Some great architecture there. See the rest on this site (scroll down) - click here
St. Petersburg:
Sinagogue in Tomsk, Siberia:
Various churches in Irkutsk, Siberia:
Buildings in Vladivostok, Siberia:
Novo-Afon Monastery in Georgia:
From the "Forwarded by Grandma" department:
Matching Up Kids & Dogs!
See more at this site
(original unknown)
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Dark Roasted Blend's Photography Gear Picks: