But how far can a business expect its name and brand to drive business in its direction rather than to a competitor? There is no better way to explore the question than to consider the brand position of two hi-tech giant s-- Apple and Hewlett Packard (or, as it is more commonly called and branded -- HP).
The Apple success story is well known to all. From meteoric success in the 1980s to a near death experience in the 1990s to unprecedented success since 2000 (excuse this Kat for a moment as he finishes synchronizing his iPod Nano), making it, by some metrics, the most valuable company in the world. Keeping its product lines few and not straying much beyond the consumer electronic space, the mark and brand have come to embody a unique product ecology (indeed this Kat wonders whether the word "ecology" was much used in the hi-tech world before Apple's success). If there is a current world-champion brand, then Apple is most certainly it. As one of the young kittens in this Kat's office lair put it, "Apple is a cult".
But how far can the brand-driven Apple cult go? There are two major aspects to this question. The first addresses the issue of whether the brand will continue to give the company a competitive advantage in its two current major product spaces-- the iPhone and iPad. Will consumers continue to prefer the Apple products, even if he has to pay a premium and even if the features of each new model are more incremental than revolutionary, just to so that he can say that he owns an Apple-brand product? (For the record, this Kat owns a Galaxy smartphone and he has no tablet.)
Much of the business press seems to think so, appearing to reflect the view that the Apple brand remains all-conquering. But this Kat heard this week a sobering word of caution expressed by Professor Clayton Christensen of the Harvard Business School and the author of the iconic book -- The Innovator's Dilemma, here. The thrust of the book is describing the dynamic by which the best companies often ultimately decline, having failed to appreciate the challenge of a disruptive technology posed by a derided down-scale competitor. For Christensen, Android-powered devices are more of a threat to Apple in this regard than may be appreciated. In such a situation, the mighty Apple brand will be of little value. (This Kat proudly owned a Sony Walkman 30 years ago; he owns no Sony product today.)
The second aspect addresses the question of what happens when and if the company moves a bit more further afield in its product line. There is frequent talk about the company coming out with an "Apple tv". Should this occur, how much of the success, should the product flourish, be attributed to the strength of the Apple brand? Does the mere anticipation of a new Apple tv product raise the bar on customer expectations, or will the strength of the brand allow the company a bit a slack on the extent to which the tv will have to contain feature of world-beating new functionality?

Talk is heard about HP migrating into services and software (like IBM in the 1990s). Assuming that this is viable, will the value of the HP brand contribute much to the company's ultimate success in this area? The sense of this Kat is that, at the most, the strength of the brand will give the company a generous hearing with prospective customers, but no one will sign up simply because these are new HP products. This Kat wishes HP well (in part because he grew up with the brand as such an icon of technological prowess). But its future, and the future of its brand, is far from assured.