Wendy's rings |
New York-based Wendy began her fine jewellery line in 2005 and later added a diffusion line called WendyB. In 2008, she introduced swear rings which are sets of rings which spell out amusing words or acronyms such as F@#!, OMG and WTF. As Wendy herself points out, fashion is all about borrowing, building on the past (prior art) and there is "nothing new under the sun." Fashion, as I've noted previously, thrives on a culture of copying. While the swear rings aren't groundbreaking in terms of using letters on rings, Wendy's rings are reasonably novel and have become associated with her brand. The particular set in question, her swear rings, are popular and one of her top selling items.
Topshop's rings |
The culture of copying in fashion is not universally beneficial. Smaller firms are relatively more affected by copying and may not have the resources to pursue legal action. Wendy's is a classic example of this. As a small business owner, Wendy is aware that this kind of copying can negatively impact her business. The WendyB brand may potentially be damaged from the association with lower quality copies. Furthermore, there is the loss of potential income from licensing the design to a retailer such as Topshop. (Her posts on the subject here, here, here and here.)
Wendy's kat Fitzroy is not impressed |
I asked Wendy about the impact on her business and she wrote,
I haven't seen a meaningful impact on sales either way. As you say, it's the loss of income from a legitimate collaboration that's more of an issue. Plus the thousands of hours and dollars that I put into promoting my design has been leveraged for free by this other manufacturer [Merpel suggests that this represents a savings in research & development costs for Topshop]. I do find the damage to my reputation to be worse than expected. I've certainly seen people comparing the photos online and assuming -- since the designs are virtually identical in appearance -- that the two products are also equivalent in materials and workmanship. Therefore, to those people, my pieces are outrageously expensive. "I can get the same thing anywhere," they write. But it's the low-priced pieces that have a much steeper mark-up than mine, while mine are underpriced relative to the actual cost of producing high quality in low volume. The one thing that could get me price breaks for manufacturing that would be passed along to customers? A large order like the one Topshop could have given me.Wendy adds an important note to the debate - smaller firms are often not able to afford high-volume, low-cost copies. Even if firms like Wendy's could order such quantity and "knock off themselves", would they be able to sell it? Furthermore, could we adequately tweak policy to account for these situations without damaging other areas of the sector? What do we consider fair?
Before I went into this business, I, like other people with no manufacturing experience, was flip: "Designers should just knock off themselves before someone else does it." Well, now I know that making something inexpensive at retail can cost me $50,000 or more. If I COULD afford to knock myself off I would, but it's less expensive for me to make high-end items until I have an investor/collaborator.
Images courtesy of Wendy Brandes.