German news site
N-tv.de today reports that Kuh Yvonne -- who rose
to considerable fame in Germany last year after escaping from a farm and hiding in the Bavarian woods for several weeks with.local farmers, police and animal rights activists trying to capture her -- has now also developed a clear psychic talent. How this talent was first discovered appears unclear (even though this Kat has some ideas...) but what is obvious is that Yvonne's first prediction has already alienated some German observers. If Yvonne is right Portugal will win in its game against Germany.
Like any respectable psychic celebrity animal these days, Kuh Yvonne is the subject of a (German) trade mark registration covering the usual merchandise classes 9, 16, 21, 25 and 28 (see to the left). N-tv.de also reports that there are already plans for a Hollywood film telling Yvonne's story; working title: 'Cow on the run'. A little bit of extra publicity can therefore not hurt, muses Merpel and if Yvonne keeps predicting poor results for the German team, there is a risk that she will be on the run again -- sooner rather than later.