Jeremy's taking a few well-deserved days off, away from his computer, so he's not around to remind you to check out the Forthcoming Events page, here.
In a flourish of productivity before he departed, the blogmeister penned a post called Thursday Thingies. This cleared out the IPKat's mailbox pretty nicely so there are only a couple of items to mention before the weekend.
Edinburgh Fellowship
Simone-Louise Hull of Edinburgh Law School has mailed the IPKat about the prestigious MacCormick Visiting Fellowship. She writes:
Each year, a number of fellowships are offered in memory of our late esteemed colleague, Professor Sir Neil MacCormick, former Regius Professor of Public Law and the Law of Nature and Nations.
Edinburgh Law School is home to several leading research Centres including, the IPKat notes, the AHRC Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law. But legal scholars of any persuasion are welcome to apply. Simone explains the benefits further:
As a fellow you will be able to take advantage of the School’s rich research community, our Law Library, which is one of the most well-stocked and holds one of the largest legal collections in the UK, and present a seminar to staff and students on your work. Based in the Old College – the original seat of the Law School since 1707 – you will be at the Centre of the legal heart of Edinburgh with both the Sheriff and Criminal Courts, the Scottish Government and parliament just a short walk away.
For more information on the fellowship and application details, please visit the Edinburgh Law School website:
Korean Patent Searches
The EPO's page on Asian patent searching was updated this week with two new facilities on offer for those needing to search Korean patent literature. One item was a search service, the other a monitoring service.
The IPKat's eye was caught in particular by the search service, described as follows:
Professional prior-art searches are now available for Korean documents in original-language databases. Your search profile in English will be passed on to the Korean Patent Information Promotion Center (PIPC), which is a specialised search institute in charge of prior-art searches for the Korean Patent Office (KIPO). The PIPC will translate your English keywords into Korean and perform searches in the complete documents, including the description.
A number of test runs will be conducted with your profile free of charge. You will then receive a sample of the test results to help you optimise your search profile. Once you have finalised your profile, you simply confirm your final order. After paying the fees (see below), you will receive the complete list of results, an overview of the search history and - upon request - Korean full texts for all results. The results will be delivered to you within a few working days.
PricesTwo different delivery options are available depending on your particular requirements:
- Result list with publication numbers and English titles: EUR 110
- Result list with publication numbers and English titles and Korean full texts for all results: EUR 155
Please contact us for further details and a free test run of your profile.
Is this pricing the full cost of the search, the IPKat wonders? If so, it seems to be pretty decent value for what you're getting.