Core competencies and the IPO

A tweet from the UK Intellectual Property Office alerted this Kat to the availability of two vacancies for officers in the IPO's Information Centre. Details of the vacancies appear here and all the Kats hope that whoever gets these jobs will be their friends, since the blogging community thrives on information from the IPO -- particularly if it is (i) really exciting, (ii) devoid of any references to Wallace and Gromit and (iii) leaked well in advance.

The IPO's Current Vacancies front page attracted the IPKat's attention for another reason. Right on-screen, in full view of the reader, is a photograph (right) of what appear to be one and a half apples. This puzzled him very greatly. IPO vacancies tend to be in Newport (where the office is located) or in London, neither of which is known as a centre for the cultivation of apples other than toffee apples. As cities go, London is big -- but it's not the Big Apple. Then, on a further reading of the particulars of the two vacancies, the truth dawned on him. The illustration was an allusion to the job specification, which offers (inter alia):

"... a flexible work scheme which has no core hours ..."

That's it! The illustration represents the apple, but not the core -- a point which should surely be appreciated by all 'appl-icants' ...

Merpel says, this is no joking matter. Who paid for this apple photo? Why is it on the site at all? Whatever happened to public spending cuts and austerity measures? If an illustration was needed, wouldn't just half an apple have sufficed? And is the IPO the owner of the copyright, or a licensee -- or is this apple an orphan? Let's have another inquiry!