Airplane Oops! Situations, Part 2


Also read Part 1

Aviation Safety for Dummies

There are definitely situations that could've been avoided, and some that one might deem unavoidable; most of unusual cases are discussed on the "Aviation Safety" site - and we can only hope that there'll be gradually less of them to discuss.

Since our previous article in the series we've received various tips and pictures of many spectacular screw-ups in the air and on the ground:

On the Ground

Lost it somewhere:

UPDATE: David Barak sent us his version of what is shown here; he suspects it to be TER: a Triple Ejector Rack "hardpoint" (some info here) There are various types of TER (see one here, for example), so what is shown here may be different.

Impaled by F-16 (barely missed the rockets) -

What's this between buses & airplanes?
(there are plenty of pics of them "kissing" each other) -

Korean Air Cargo (over)loaded in Miami airport:

I wonder what happened here:
(did he try to flap his wings?)

Must be good brakes:

For perhaps the most extreme take off, watch this video of Congo pilots taking off small road with a nice turn in there, for added excitement!

In the Air

Indecent exposure:

(original unknown)

Extreme encounters with birds:

Boeing 737 front damage:

(image credit: hectop)

Bird in the engine:
(update: this is Photoshop)

(original photo by: Florian Kondziela)

Also read this hair-raising true account of British military plane fying through a dense flock of Canadian geese. "After the accident 77 dead birds were found on or near the runway. It is not known how many others were ingested by the aircraft engines."

Break-up in the air

US Air Force animated reconstruction of the in-flight structural failure of a F-15C in November, 2007 (caused by fatigue cracking of a forward fuselage longeron), The crash occured near Salem, Mo. during training exercise.


The pilot managed to eject, so there were no casualities, but US Air Force initiated investigation, in the meantime grounding all F-15 planes. The military currently seeks to replace all of its aging F-15s.

Here is where the fatigue cracks occurred:

More "jumping ship", from Russia this time -

...and a Canadian Armed Forces Pilot ejecting from a T -33 jet:

Strange Landings

Famous "Jet Blue" incident. "The front landing gear was turned around 90 degrees and couldn't be retracted. The pilot had to circle the airport for two hours to burn up fuel so that the plane was less likely to catch on fire when it landed. Meanwhile, passengers were able to watch live news coverage of the ordeal on in-flight TV."

Front landing gear seems to be a frequent "Achilles' heel" of aviation:

Just don't try to lift it up by yourself:

This flying machine seems to be better equipped for landings:
("Flinto" - an addition to Ford Pinto, very rare)

Military is not immune to botched landings:

(image credit: Holger Loersch)

He made it home! (I wonder what he hit) -

(image credit: StrangeCosmos)

Overshooting the deck -

Entangled (good catch!) -

I wonder if they were able to lift this jet up? -

This picture seems to be the test explosion of a bomb during landing (indeed, see the info here, the picture was doctored):

A chunk "eaten" off

In Pointe Noire, Congo, Russian AN-12 plane wandered off the landing strip during landing, slicing a few planes in the meantime:
(among them Being 727 from truly bizarre African "Canadian Airways Congo" airline). Two pilots of AN-12 were injured. I just hope nobody was in the fron compartment.

(photos by AFP/Scanpics)

Crosswind approaches

You probably have seen the classic "near crash" landing (see here) that occcured recently in Hamburg. However, the following video shows very skillful piloting by canadian pilots of A319 during a particularly strong wind conditions in Montreal:

Finally, some unexplained shots:

How did this happen?

Fill'er up! -
(more info on this "landing" here)

Could it be a shot from some movie? - Update: "Lord of War" with Nicolas Cage.

In-flight maintenance? -

Maybe the cause of all mechanical trouble is the kind of tech support some airlines hire? -

If all else fails, try to repaint your plane:

or change (fix) your signage:

No real trouble, just a stunt flying... pretty hairy sometimes -

(photo by B. Garry)

PronAir Boeing 747 radical lift-off:

(image credit: hectop)


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