Good Morning, Dear!

Scroll down for today's pictures & links.

Good Morning, Dear!

Surprise! Not at all what you might think...


Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.

Cheer up! Friday's coming!


(l. y. n. s. i. b. - "like you never seen it before")

A definition of a truly "EPIC" photography:

(image credit: Max Bilder)

Another wonderful wave:

(original unknown)


Unidentified Asian Whip Snake

See more neat insect photography at this site

(image credit: K. Sudchai, Thailand)


Fantastic Temples in Thailand

We already covered one "stainless steel" temple there:

But the "plain stone" ones turned out to be no less interesting:

(original unknown)


Mixed fresh links for today:

Spectacular Underwater Photography - [wow nature]
The Dihemispheric Chronaether Agitator - [steampunk]
Creepy story of mysterious death of 9 Russian hikers - [weird]
How to straighten a huge ship - [wow tech]
Time Travel Mart - [cool store]
Interesting sci-fi sculpture in the forest - [art]
This hard drive has commited suicide - [geek]
Treadmill Danger Game - [crazy Japan TV]
More than Extreme Fishing - [fun video]


Fun Poll on "Polls Boutique" - click here

Gas Mask article has been updated with new rare images.


Can Sculptures

Canstruction currently has an annual event - entries for 2008. Drink your beer, but keep the cans... for a purpose:

(image credit: Canstruction)


The Mouse does not live here anymore


Some very weird pregnancies:

...maybe need some adjustment? -

(original unknown)


Idyllic Pets


A second before an explosion....

Although if the camera survived... maybe there was a happy ending, after all.

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