#42 - Week of January 6, 2008
List of Misconceptions - [wikipedia]
Hyper-Sub Fathom Prototype - [tech, pics]
The Furnace Mouse! - [steampunk]
Huge dust storm seen from space - [nature]
World's Most Famous Staged Photos - [photography]
Eye-scapes! - [art]
The Chrono-Displacement Device - [wow art]
Amazing Packing Tape Art - [art]
The OzoneMaker: wind-cleaning series of satellites - [wow tech]
Flunked: 14 Signs of a Deficient Intellect - [signs]
Keyboard for people with only one hand - [gadget]
Neat islands made from garbage - [pics]
Recursive Blonde - [weird pic]
Adventures in Stacking Blocks - [fascinating] - via
Impressive Topiary Art (from bushes & plants) - [design] - via
Laptop which costs $50 less than iPod - [computers]
Funniest Homeless Signs - [pics]
Astonishing Lego Art of N. Sawaya - [art]
Love-matress: really original idea - [design]
The time scale of human ancestry - [cool video] - via
That's a lot of bull - [weird]
The Ultimate List of Female Characters in Gaming - [gallery, nsfw]
Toastvertising - [video ads] - via
Singing horses (click on each of them) - [flash]
Old-fashioned arcade time-killer - [cool game]
Wet, wet, wet highway - [wow video]
Powerful Voice of a 12-year old girl - [fun video]
BMW does not need a driver any more - [wow video]
Free Gas for a year: just for participation