Scroll down for today's pictures & links.
Earthrise & Earthset (seen from the Moon)
The world's first high-definition images of Earth from the Moon, made by the onboard camera of the moon explorer "KAGUYA"
Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.
Very Strange Block-House in Holland
(original unknown)
Probably built by this company:
(click to enlarge; this ad says "We love to build")
(image credit: Paul Hollingworth/)
Spiritual Shadow
Arie Bloed send us this fascinating photo: "Not a pyramid, but the shadow of a holy mountain in Sri Lanka: Adam's Peak. At the top of the mountain are three altars - for Christian, Buddhists and Hindu religions.
(image credit: Arie Bloed)
One of the largest beetles on Earth:
Rhinoceros Beetle
(image credit: Archimedes Chen)
Mixed fresh links for today:
Fantastic Vintage TVs - [cool gallery]
Inside the Tokyo Traffic Control Center - [pics]
DIY: Miniature hovercraft - [gadget]
9 Coolest Aquariums - [design]
More Interesting Natural Phenomena - [nature]
Making Your Own X-Ray Photographs - [useful?]
Mp3 Player Steampunk Style - [design]
Yatta! Japan's Ultimate Boy Band - [fun video, could be nsfw]
Fishing for Chipmunks - [fun video]
Too Many Bicycles
Belgium, region Flanders, city of Brakel. This landmark was erected when a famous cycle-race passed along for the 25th time.
(image credit: Arie Bloed)
Too many bikes:
and cars:
Too many planes:
and tanks:
Load it with 20 kg of wood to drive 100 km
With minimal alterations to the engine, Mr. Anton Peterka (from Belgrade, Serbia) made his 1985 Yugo 45 to run on wood and coal for fuel:
"Instead of 1 litre of gasoline, 2.5 kg of wood is spent. 20 kg of wood are consumed after 100 km which means that driving "on wood" is up to 10 times cheaper than the conventional driving using gasoline."
(More info here)
(images credit:
Heel Enhancements
for the pedestrian:
for the lady driver:
(image credit: ModernMechanix)
Surprise! and... don't shoot!
(original unknown)
Mystery Image
What kind of a vehicle this could be?
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