See previous parts here.
If you're lost, you can use these ridiculous signs for an excuse
The cryptic & bizarre signs proliferate, and the chance of meeting one of these examples of poor spelling, ignorance or sheer neglect are getting higher. Try driving to some backwater towns in a 100 mile radius and you'll see something worth posting in our next collection. Less than 2 months have passed since out last installment, and here we go again:
Traffic is never boring this way...
The Lanes are Weird Tonight, Sir:
(images credit: skyscrapercity)
Good sign, bad location:
Pedestrians are in for an adventure:
Zmemph says: "It must be some kind of Moonwalker sign, i.e. Michael Jackson may not enter this area :)"
Something interesting transpires ahead:
(image credit: Mike Goodwin)
(image credit: Lorenz Brandner)
Some special warnings and incredible advice
(image credit: Delina)
(image credit: swanksigns)
Please do not fart while carrying box:
(image credit: John Goodridge)
Get off motorbike when come in the theater!
This Russian sign advices:
"Please do not touch naked wires with your wet hands. The wires are getting rusty." -
Another harsh-sounding Russian sign:
"This bomb shelter is full. Hide in the features of the landscape"
(something you definitely do not want to read when the need comes...) -
This is in Hebrew, it says:
"This room is for you to relieve yourself from gas in your bowels"
(apparently after the medical tests are over. You don't want to accidentally wander into this room) -
(image credit: Exler)
Good advice:
(kind of like Douglas Adams's "Don't Panic")
(image credit: Emily)
Another good advice:
Speaking of advice... Tips for artists:
(poster by By John Baldessari)
This is a warning in itself. Would you have an appointment with this doctor?
(image credit: Jill Coleman)
Bizarre Prohibitions
(images credit: Engrish)
No members of the Yakuza allowed?
Signs for every occasion
Good use in advertisement:
Interaction with animals is never trivial!
(original unknown)
(images credit: Engrish)
Monkeys are a problem... why shouldn't they be?
(image credit: V. Mason)
Places with Weird Names
For those geographically inclined:
(image credit: Scott Rench)
"Badfart" is close to "Middlefart", see info here (thanks Jimmy)
(images credit: oddee)
Don't Steal the Bikes
"Please don't steal the bikes. It's impolite."
(seen in Toronto)
(image credit: Sam Javanrouh)
(image credit: Sarah/)
Outdoor Store Signs
The power of the brand-name sign:
Fast Food (?) in Mexico:
"Starbucks" in India:
Here the brand names themselves are bogus:
Traditional Bathroom Section
(image credit: xetark)
Creative WC door idea:
Witty Stickers and such
(image credit: Jerm9ine)
Straight to the point:
This is the most candid "disclaimer" we've seen so far:
Another "say it like it is" occasion:
This explains it:
(image credit: Signs of Life by Dave Askwith & Alex Normanton)
Negative Sale:
Was $249.99
Became $259.99
Profit - MINUS $10
(original unknown)
(sent in by Chris Davis)
It's English, but with enhanced hilarity:
This is clearly a winner. I dare you to read it with a straight face:
(images credit: Engrish)
Great Packaging:
Labels & Instructions
(image credit: oddee)
Dehydrated Water??
(image credit: David Reeves)
Recycle, then kill yourself:
(image credit: pingmag.jp)
Check out this wonderful series of manual / instructions from China, advising us not to do various unspeakable things with a:
Heating Unit:
Get to Work!
Mystery Signs!
Any ideas welcome!
(images credit: swanksigns)
UPDATE: the last sign means "do not drive your car with headlights on, switch them off" (thanks Largo and Maribert)
"Broken bed" sign appear to be French ad campaign for Viagra!
(thanks Pigliapost)
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Category: Funny Signs & Charts
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