Site News, August 2007

August 17, 2007

Hi all "Dark Roasted Blend" readers!
lovers of strong coffee unite!

First off, we are very grateful for you patronage, readership and the coolest comments and contributions on the web! Thank you for your wonderful participation.

Questions Time

We'd love it, if you'd give us a little input about the site:

- How are we doing? What would you change for a better experience?

- Which themes would you like to see more often, and which ones you don't care about?

- Do you have high speed internet? How's the loading time?

- Are you happy with RSS feed?

- What would you change in layout and design? God (or devil) is in the details, you know.

- If we'd branch out into other themed sites (in addition to DRB), should we keep the same layout?

- Are you happy how the contributing system works, or should we refine it?

- How many hamsters do you feed (exercise, pet, aggravate) during a typical day?

- If the universe is expanding, why can't I find a parking space?

- If it is tourist season, why can't we shoot them?

- If today is the first day of the rest of your life, what was yesterday?

- Is the glass half empty, half full, or twice as large as it needs to be?

- You can't have everything...where would you put it?

and so it goes... you are welcome to answer only the first 7 questions, or just ramble about what comes into your mind (in comments, or email us) We trust you.

Have a gorgeous weekend.
Avi & Rachel


July 1, 2007

Hi all "Dark Roasted Blend" readers!

You probably noticed that we've adjusted our links to read
instead of
This is the last step in our migration to the new domain.

All previous links to this site should still work, they should smoothly redirect to
the new domain. However it may take up to 48 hours for this change to propagate through the internet servers. Please be patient, and if you still experience problems after a couple of days, drop us a line.

Please notice, that it's going to take some time for Alexa and Technorati to pick up on this site's rankings, but you can still check the old ones for address.

If you feel like adjusting your bookmarks and links, please do so. (old ones should still work, too)

Let us know what you think, and have a great weekend!

