Rare Red Panda, or "Fire Fox"


This animal might be on the verge of extinction...
(though you can not say the same about the Firefox)

This is the "other panda", not the easily recognizable black-and-white kind. Red Panda is cuter than a cat, has a luxurious tail, resembles both a fox and a racoon, and is considered by many to be a living fossil. Only 2,500 individual animals can be found around the world, most in Asia (in Tibet), in well-known zoos, and a "select" few as fashionable Japanese pets. In China the Red Panda is also sometimes known as "Fire Fox", a familiar name to everyone who uses the internet.

(images credit: wikipedia)

Sources: Botinok, Knuttz
Original unknown - please help to include credits if you know the photographer

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