New batch of funny animals
It's time for another installment of our "Funny Animals" series. We've received tons of photographs, some taken by submitters, some hunted down from the web or through emails, without definite attribution info. For such pictures we ask the viewers to let us know who the original photographers are, so that we could include this info. Thank you all, and have fun!
Part 1: The Cute, The Ugly and "Just Chilling Out"
We start with the "CUTE SECTION", of course:
(image credit: thanks to Farlion)
(image credit: Bonusov.net)
Note the backdrop for this "photo session":
(image credit: Duncan C)
Source: Alexander Natrushkin, Reuters
(image credit: Alexey Vorobyov)
(image credit: Rachael Hale)
Rare Golden Tabby Tiger:
(image credit: Todd Eagle via Big Cat Simba)
(image credit: Lantern)
Now on to the "UGLY ANIMAL" contest:
(image credit: PuffinArt)
Animals Chilling Out... Peace, man
No, thanks... now if you would kindly get lost.
(image credit: WayOdd)
"You got a problem with that?"
Who am I... No, really?
Dirt therapy.
Massage therapy.
some not only chill, but are definitely getting drunk:
...might even end up in your salad.
This creature is visible only to sufficiently intoxicated:
and, please - mind your alligators (and crocodiles)
(image credit: Karaul)
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Category: Animals,Funny Pics
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