Link Latte 9
#9 - Week of May 14, 2007
Overpopulated cities: Photos of Hong Kong Apt. Bldgs. - [gallery]
Mind-blowing photo: a tip of the sharpest needle - [science]
Pokemon jets in Tokyo airport - [flickr]
Mesmerizing account of the worst air disaster in history - [wiki]
Collection of the most interesting aviation videos - [video gallery]
Sleeping in Airports: Best and Worst Airport List - [cool site]
How can this helicopter fly? - [mystery video]
Penguin travels 5,000 km for a new home - [curiosity]
Giant Crystal Cave (new images) - [nature]
Pakistan ad: Have you seen any nuclear material? - [strange]
Gas mask showerhead - [design] via
Put your reading stack on display - [flickr pool]
Hi-Fi Boombox from 1954 - [cool ad] [vintage]
Epic Card Stacking - [photos]
Great use of the empty CD spindle - [gadgets]
One family takes pictures every year for 30 years - [profound]
Will it Flush? - a new fad - [flash]
Collection of look-alikes - [funny pics]
Nicolas Cage vs. Alien Robots - [hilariously bad video ad]
Weird Wheels on Bubblegum Cards - [gallery]
The Ultimate Car Ghost: half-of-car and still moves! - [video] [funny]
"Simply the best way to download music online" - [sponsor]