Climbing: involuntary
New definition of "lost":
This moose is not just "hanging around". It's actually quite a sad story
"This moose got his antlers stuck in a newly-laid power cable, strung on the ground for miles. When the men (from a big distance) pulled the lines with their heavy equipment, he went too. They could not get the line straight and went searching for the problem. The moose was still alive when they lowered him..."
Make sure you read the similar stories here and here. All are very odd...
Voluntary climbing
These Moroccan goats love to climb trees, attracted by the "argo" nuts.
Locals use these nuts to make oil. Goats seem to get a kick from both nuts AND climbing. More on that here
(image credit: Remo Savisaar)
(image credit: Remo Savisaar)
Deer running "on" water:
The only thing cows can do, though - is to get totally STUCK:
More animal acrobatics tricks:
- some real...
(originals unknown)
...and some photoshopped:
Sources: Karaul, Exler, Funlog
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Category: Animals,Funny Pics