Nuns, guns and seminary girls.
If these girls ever become brides, they keep the habit
Other religious self-defense:
I know, I know, there is a full-year calendar out there called "Nuns Having Fun" - but it looks like they missed a few pictures:
(this will go well together with my previous post "The Best of Church Humour")
thanks Foxtongue
trying to walk on water:
playing groovy church music:
bumping into each other:
relaxing at home:
Nuns chilling out:
... with icecream
Photo by Iman
... on a rink
Photos by AlwaysAwake
And we finish with the strange "Nun/Darth Vader" toy:
(Photo by Enacoid)
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Category: Funny Pics
Related Posts:
The Best of Church Humour