Atomic Cannon

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Atomic Cannon

Atomic Cannon detonated at the Nevada Test Site in 1953. Exploded with a force of 15 kilotons. Sequence from "Trinity and Beyond - The Atomic Bomb Movie".


Here is an unexpected mix of another Atomic Cannon footage with Johnny Cash song:


Here is a picture of it on display at US Army Ordnance Museum in Aberdeen, Maryland:

(photo by Allan Janus)

Today's pictures & links:
Click to enlarge images.


"Akira" bike is a reality

If you've seen "Akira" you probably remember cool bikes featured there. Well, Japanese manufacturers finaly came up with production model:
"SUMO" electric bike. - via

(image credit: qingy)

See it in action here.


Ideas that live in your head

(image credit:


Man as the Industrial Machine

From "Dream Anatomy" by Fritz Kahn (1888-1968) - via

(original: Stuttgart, 1926. Chromolithograph. National Library of Medicine.)


Mixed fresh links for today:

Band name origins (an extensive list) - [interesting]
"I dreamt I had lots of toes..." - [weird]
Surfer guy creates a Theory of Everything, his paper - [science] - via
The Biggest Observation Wheel - [architecture]
Nazis in Antarctica - [history]
This comet is bigger than the Sun in our system - [space]
The Turk: The Man inside the Machine - [weird]
One Expensive Truffle - [food]
Stay Smart - [funny video ad]


Epic Sand Art

These giant sand drawings are by Jim Denevan

(image credit: Jim Denevan)


F-35 Fighter Helmet from a bad dream
(read more about it here)

"The fashion" probably started with this fighter helmet from WWII:

(image credit: kazetan)

an obvious modification:

(original unknown)


(image credit: okuno)


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